Friday, January 28, 2011

Post Hofburg Palace Adventures

We've done such much this past week this may be a really long update, you've been warned. We're on week two of's going well and I'm getting more comfortable using it in public, ha. The other day some guy on the street asked me directions, so I felt pretty good that he thought I knew what I was doing (although I did successfully give him correct directions). But anyways, the ball was last night! I spent the beginning of this week searching for a dress. I ended up getting a teal one from Peek & Cloppensburg, so it worked out. I did get lost in the city, but the Ubahn system makes it so easy to get found again so that worked out okay. But anyways, the dress I got was about an inch too long so I searched the city for safety pins, only to find out Tobi had about 100 in his office at IES, ha. So we pinned my dress, then hemmed it literally five minutes before we left for the ball.
But before I update you on the ball, I need to talk about Wednesday night.
I found out the Glenn Miller Orchestra was playing at the Vienna Konzerthaus, which made me pretty excited. (Side note: I once had a fish named Glenn, that is how much I love Glenn Miller.) So Megan, Nick and I went ot the Konzerthaus, and got soup in the fancy restaurant there, then got some student rush tickets. We were kind of in the nosebleed section, but it wasn't bad for the price, plus that Konzerthaus is gorgeous. So many chandeliers and everything, it was beautiful. The band was great, I loved every minute of it.
The next night was the Technical University Ball. We had a teaching internship meeting at 5pm that night, and the ball started at 830, so we were all in a bit of a rush. I went over to Hannah and Rachel's to get ready, and we ended up leaving around 9:30. We missed the opening ceremonies, but no big...the ball was AMAZING. Number one, it was in a palace. Number two, there were about five rooms with different styles of dancing, all with live music.  A grand ballroom for waltz and jazz, another for slow waltz, one for world music, one for salsa, and one for swing with a combo playing. Everyone there looked amazing, and could actually dance.
     I went walking through all the rooms with Kristen, and got asked to dance by an Austrian in the jazz room, so that was fun. I don't think I learned his name but he plays trombone and piano, so that was cool.

We stayed until around 2am, then took a taxi, to HAnnah and Rachels. We all slept there and got up at 8ish to get the Ubahn to some Kaffeehaus for German class. We got lost, but asked for directions and found it okay. We ordered in German and all that jazz, and had a fantastic breakfast. Now I'm back in my apartment, trying to upload photos to facebook, because I should've done that a while ago.

Wiener Konzerthaus

 Glenn Miller Orchestra
 Hofburg Palace...where the TU Ball was
 Friends in the lobby of the palace
 Grand Ballroom
 The other waltz room
 Grand ballroom during an Austrian line dance...people made tunnels with their hands and other couples danced underneath through the whole room
 German class at the Kaffeehaus the next morning
 I don't know how to flip this, but some of us at the ball.

In other news I really want to go to Porgy and Bess, a jazz club downtown. It's expensive but sounds fun...I'm thinking birthday outing there.

I think that's enough for now...I really need to catch up on some sleep;)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

1 week down..

We just finished week 1 of intensive German classes...two more to go before real classes finally start! Everyday we have German class for 2.75 hours, and then the rest of the day is for orientation meetings or exploring the city if you don't have a meeting. Wednesday and Thursday were music program auditions..I was accepted into the program! Everyone else here is amazing-It's unbelievable the talent I've seen so far. But anyways, every Friday we have a German test and there is also a quiz sometime during the week. It sounds awful but it's really not that bad, especially because we can use it outside of the classroom. Soon, we're going on a trip to a coffee house to order in German, etc.

I have a ton of photos on my camera, unfortunately it really likes to die at the most opportune moments... But I'll post a few here for now.
We all went out to a club on Wednesday night (it was karaoke night..) It was insane, and that's all I have to say about that.
Oh, and the ball is this Thursday night-It starts at 8:30pm and goes until 5am.... :)
I have yet to find a gown that isn't 300 euro, so I'm really hoping for a miracle to happen...There's no way I'm paying that much for a gown I'll wear one night.

Yesterday, we went on a three hour bus tour--It was amazing. We went to the Belvedere, which is awesome from the front, but in the back there are ridiculous royal gardens and an insane view of Vienna. We took tons of picture but unfortunately my camera didn't feel like working that day. But here are some pics from various places:

So I go to school in a palace, here's part of the stairway:
 This is my favorite room, it's our study room:
The music performance room, where I auditioned:

Stairway again:

Just some of the city..

 View out the window in our apartment:
Living room:

 Messy bedroom:

Rachel, Hanna, Megan and I during pizza night, hahah

Dad visited on business...this is my favorite street. It has chandeliers up for ball season.

 The Belvedere
 A view from part of the tour, the last picture my camera took before it decided to die. This picture doesn't do the real view justice at all.

That's all I've got for now.
Until next time,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Quick update

Day three of Deutsch and I just got my first kebab. A Kebab is basically one beast of a sandwich you can get at street vender places with tomatoes and lettuce and meat and sauce... it's massive. I can personally attest that they are delicious. AND I ordered mine auf deutsch...a small victory for me.

Oh and by the way, the city is GORGEOUS. They have chandeliers above the streets....chandeliers! outside!! It's crazy awesome, they light up at night and everything. The walk to school is about a mile and a half but it's fun to walk by all the shops and things so I don't mind it at all. Eventually I'll get around to taking pictures and putting them here.
Oh and we found out that although our landlady does not speak English, she does speak a little I've been communicating to her that way when she's around.

In other news, I desperately need to go buy groceries...I accidentally bought a giant loaf of bread, but it's rye or something and tastes a bit weird. Living off of that and a knock off brand of (not-as-good) nutella isn't really working out for me right now. I'll be off to the store soon to buy some actual food. Then practice and auditions tonight! Wish me luck:)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Finally in Wien!

So today we finally got to Vienna.:)
Orientation was in a realllllly nice hostel two hours south of Vienna - there was a huge spa for free in it and that was quite awesome. We also explored a castle, drank some wine that was grown in the vineyard about ten feet away from the hostel, explored the town, learned some Austrian dancing, and watched Radball. It was pretty fun all in all, but I'm super glad we're finally in the city. I literally JUST arrived-we got off the bus, got our things, and were supposed to take taxis to our apartments. However, we decided to be adventurous and go on the Ubahn, then walked the rest of the way.
(I officially want to start a petition for a nice subway system like this in the US. It is fantastic.)
But anyways, dragging around our giant suitcases was interesting, and then we finally got to our building. We have a great apartment, and the beds are surprisingly comfy:) New pots and pans, a balcony, it's lovely.
Tomorrow we start three weeks of nothing but intensive german every morning (101 ..oh yeah), and then orientation meeting and tours the rest of the days. Oh, and some practicing for the music program auditions on Wednesday and Thursday. eep.

Here are some pictures from orientation:

Our hostel room 

view from the top of the castle!

friends at the top of the castle

traditional Austrian dancers, haha.


Radball! Kind of awesome. Google it.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go...

Just kidding. I have nothing packed, and three days to fit all of my clothes and shoe collection in a suitcase weighing under 50 pounds. Should be fun.
I've got a list of about a hundred things that I need to bring, and another list of items I have yet to buy. These next few days are going to go by so fast, I'm going to be running around everywhere. Tuesday night I will probably be in my bedroom freaking out because I can't fit everything in my suitcase. Hopefully I'll be able to remind myself that it's okay to not bring every single piece of clothing I own (Vienna has multiple H&M's....).

Besides the packing thing I am fully excited. I've got my housing assignment, roommates, orientation information, and everything should be great. I'm currently searching for good music to add to my Ipod for the long trip there.

I checked my e-mail today to find an invite to the TU Ball at the end of January-yeah, I said ball. We're talkin' floor length gowns and European men in tuxes. Needless to say I will be attending.

Also, to anyone out there who wants to send mail (hint hint), this is my mailing address when I'm there:

Alyssa Clark
c/o IES Abroad Vienna Center
Palais Corbelli
Johannesgasse 7
A-1010 Vienna

The mail goes to the IES Center, not my apartment-which I hear is awesome, by the way. Apparently it is near the biggest shopping street and a huge outdoor market. :)

That's all of the news I've got for now. This blog will finally get going once I'm there and have actual things to talk about.

Until next time,