Day three of Deutsch and I just got my first kebab. A Kebab is basically one beast of a sandwich you can get at street vender places with tomatoes and lettuce and meat and sauce... it's massive. I can personally attest that they are delicious. AND I ordered mine auf deutsch...a small victory for me.
Oh and by the way, the city is GORGEOUS. They have chandeliers above the streets....chandeliers! outside!! It's crazy awesome, they light up at night and everything. The walk to school is about a mile and a half but it's fun to walk by all the shops and things so I don't mind it at all. Eventually I'll get around to taking pictures and putting them here.
Oh and we found out that although our landlady does not speak English, she does speak a little I've been communicating to her that way when she's around.
In other news, I desperately need to go buy groceries...I accidentally bought a giant loaf of bread, but it's rye or something and tastes a bit weird. Living off of that and a knock off brand of (not-as-good) nutella isn't really working out for me right now. I'll be off to the store soon to buy some actual food. Then practice and auditions tonight! Wish me luck:)
Good luck!!!