If you couldn't tell from my last post, I have finished classes. It is currently Tuesday of finals week, and I have one final left. Today I had my last flute lesson at the University of Music and yesterday i took my music history final. I'm ecstatic to be done with all the work, but this week and last week have been INSANE so far. Everyone (myself included) has been trying to do/see everything we haven't gotten to earlier in the semester-which is a lot to cram in these last two weeks. There is so much to do and so many people to say bye too. Last night we had a party in some of the girls apartments and it was so much fun-I don't know how we are all just going to seperate places after this- I will miss them so much:(
But anyways, Tues, Weds, and Thurs are jam packed with tons of things to do. Friday we have our last German final, an IES farewell party, and then I come home to talk to our land lady about moving out, and pack up all my things. I am really excited to come home though-some reasons why:
1-I can drive (but not so excited about the gas sitch)
2-I can get a haircut
3-I can speak English
4- I can see all my friends and family...and MEET MY DOG.
The end here is getting really bittersweet, and it is SO strange that I'm leaving so soon. I can't fathom not seeing all of my Vienna friends at home...:( It makes me so sad that we all live so far away from each other.
Anyways, got to get going and sightseeing.
until next time...
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